Is Filerev safe?

Yes! Filerev prioritizes the security of your files with industry-leading best practices. Here's how:

  • Regular Security Audits - We annually submit the app to a security audit by a neutral third party. This audit verifies that Filerev follows industry standards defined by OWASP Application Security Verification Standard (ASVS) and further requirements defined by Cloud Application Security Assessment (CASA). These results are also reviewed by Google as well as the Filerev team. In addition, we run automated security audits before every update to the Filerev application. You can view our CASA results here: 2024, 2025.
  • Minimal Data Access - Filerev accesses only essential file metadata such as file names and sizes and does not download and store your Google Drive file content. The file metadata is stored on secure servers with security practices such as encryption at rest, in-transit encryption, and user isolation, to name a few.
  • Data Removal - We automatically remove your file data after 30 days of inactivity and provide the ability to submit your account and data for deletion.

We also have written guarantees in our privacy policy and terms in regard to how your data is handled. The following are a few main points taken from the privacy policy:

  • We do not and will not sell your information. We don’t help companies advertise their products to you. (read more)
  • We offer a free plan and hope you will upgrade to a paid subscription. Subscriptions are the only way we make money. (read more)
  • We use a small number of trusted third parties (like Stripe for managing payments) to help provide our products. (read more)

Still want to know more? You can read reviews about Filerev on Google Workspace Marketplace and the Google Play Store. Or read what Chrome Unboxed or ZDnet has said.

You can also read more about the Filerev Founder / Creator by looking at Brett Batie's LinkedIn Profile.